Atlas is a network that aims to welcome all those who want to express their ideas, their opinions, their points of view on the current situation of the «Italian Country» and is now disappointed and bitter (if not disgusted) by what we hear about it every day. In essence, he is welcome anyone who wants to read, analyze, but especially those who want to actively participate in a new idea of politics. We propose as a social innovation, not as a party or a pseudo-movement, but simply a meeting point between the unconditional political and civil society, so that policy can be best achieved BETWEEN people but especially with the people. The Atlas project is not intended to be counter against someone or something, but bases its identity on the rules of reciprocity and respect for the ideas of all members. We are against the bad policy that reveals itself every day. The idea is to create a large virtual and purposeful table that, with the contribution and sharing of ALL may primarily be a tool for discussion and active participation as well as allowing you to give serious and reliable guidance in schools, universities , cities and communities.


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